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Cooperative International Simulations with McStas...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceedings of TeraGrid 2007
Publication Date
Page Number
Publisher Location
Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
Conference Name
Conference Location
Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
Conference Date

McStas is a neutron ray-trace simulation package that simulates neutron scattering instruments. Its developers at Riso National Laboratory in Denmark and the Institute Max von Laue-Paul Langevin in France are collaborating with the SNS instrument scientists, the Neutron Science TeraGrid developers, and the DANSE developers to improve the package and make it available to more researchers. Distributed computing on the TeraGrid, the UK eScience Grid, the Open Science Grid, etc. is a goal of this collaboration as well as improved visualization, standardized NeXus output, improved performance, more sample kernels, event mode and histogram interfaces, and an analysis interface.