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Three Oak Ridge employees named NOVA Award winners by Lockheed Martin

Three Lockheed Martin employees working at Department of Energy (DOE) facilities in Oak Ridge have been honored with NOVA awards by the Lockheed Martin Corporation.

The three are Becky Verastegui and Scott McLuckey of Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation (LMER) and George Dailey of Lockheed Martin Energy Systems (LMES).

The NOVA Awards, presented June 25 during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Lockheed Martin's mission and business objectives. Verastegui and Dailey were recognized in the Leadership category while McLuckey earned his award in Technical Excellence. Awards were also presented in the areas of Exceptional Service and Teamwork.

LMER's Verastegui, Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) chief information officer, and Dailey, chief information officer for LMES, were recognized for their work in helping to establish the Systems, Applications and Products (SAP) system for data processing business managers and human resources. The system is being utilized by both Lockheed Martin companies to streamline the day-to-day operations.

Verastegui, who has worked since 1977 in computer information at ORNL, was recognized "for vision and exemplary dedication toward realization of business reengineering goals of LMER and LMES through implementation of a new enterprise management system." She was named to her current position in 1997. Verastegui earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Tennessee. She and her husband, Emilio, have one daughter and reside in Farragut.

Dailey, who came to Oak Ridge in 1974, has worked to establish data systems research and development programs. He was recognized "for demonstrating superb technical knowledge and superior leadership in bringing SAP processing on-line, on schedule and below cost. He earned a bachelor's degree in zoology and a master's degree in microbiology from Tennessee Technological University.

McLuckey, head of the Analytical Spectroscopy Section in ORNL's Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division, was honored "for sustained contributions to fundamental understanding of gas phase ion chemistry and its application to organic and biological mass spectrometry." He earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Westminster (Pa.) College and a doctorate in analytical chemistry from Purdue University. McLuckey and his wife, Jean, live in Oak Ridge with their two children.

ORNL is a DOE multiprogram research facility managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.

Lockheed Martin Energy Systems operates the Y-12 Plant for the U.S. Department of Energy.
