Grid Interactive Controls
Grid Interactive Controls
The Grid Interactive Controls group specializes in pioneering innovations at the edge of today’s power grid, concentrating on fortifying grid security, enhancing reliability, bolstering resilience and advancing decarbonization. Our primary focus lies in the comprehensive 'Everything-to-Grid' (X2G) strategies, developing cutting-edge solutions in grid-edge integration and control. Our commitment revolves around seamlessly incorporating emerging distributed energy resources, including demand response emerging at the grid edge, providing essential services crucial to its reliable operation.
Employing a diverse range of disciplines such as control theory, optimization, economics, game theory, data analytics, and machine learning, the Grid Interactive Controls group delves deeply into understanding intricate grid-edge operations. Researchers are dedicated to laying the groundwork for optimal X2G integration and utilization. Group initiatives encompass innovative sensor technologies, advanced modeling techniques, and precise control mechanisms specifically designed for the grid edge. Research promotes grid-interactive efficient buildings as pivotal components in advancing building-to-grid integration, amplifying their role in electrification of heating and ultimately shaping the future decarbonized grid.