Led by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the ExaStar project is working to deliver an exascale application for stellar explosions, including supernovae and neutron star mergers, as part of the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP). Such simulations will help scientists explain the origin of elements heavier than iron in the universe and answer other fundamental physics questions, such as the source of gravitational waves and the behavior of matter at extreme densities.
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Production of an exascale-capable environment requires access to HPC resources for the purpose of application and software testing and development. Facility Resource Utilization is a collaboration between ECP and DOE HPC facilities to ensure effective access to current production systems and pre-exascale, and exascale computers.
For applications to take full advantage of exascale hardware and software, a robust developer training and productivity program keeps application and software team members, staff, and other stakeholders abreast of emerging technologies. This effort is a close collaboration of Facilities, vendors, and the ECP community.
Application Integration ensures that ECP applications are appropriately targeting DOE exascale architectures and that the facilities are aware of ongoing application development effort and can contribute their experience and expertise in porting applications to the facility architectures.
Through close partnership with ECP code teams, DOE HPC Facilities, and vendors, the Software Deployment team deploys and integrates an exascale software stack and deploys a software integration and testing capability at the Facilities to support continuous integration with site environments, including container technologies and software development kits.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is revolutionizing manufacturing, allowing construction of complex parts not readily fabricated by traditional techniques. Although there has been significant interest and investment in AM, the fraction of this investment devoted to modeling and simulation is relatively small and not focused on the development of high-fidelity predictive models but instead on reduced-order models for industry use. The Exascale Additive Manufacturing project (ExaAM) represents a unique opportunity to use exascale simulation to enable the design of AM components with location-specific properties and acceleration of performance certification.
Programmer productivity and performance portability are two of the most important challenges facing users of exascale architectures that include heterogeneous compute nodes, deep memory hierarchies, and persistent memory.
The Adaptable I/O Systems (ADIOS) is designed to tackle data management challenges posed by large-scale science applications running on high-performance computers that require, for example, code-to-code coupling for multiphysics and multiscale applications and code-to-service coupling for data analysis and visualization.
The QMCPACK project is employing QMC methods to attack this problem since they robustly deliver highly accurate calculations of complex materials that do not artificially bias solutions of a given character.
Small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced reactor concepts (ARCs) will deliver clean, flexible, reliable, and affordable electricity while avoiding the traditional limitations of large nuclear reactor designs, including high capital costs and long construction timelines