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Nuclear Data Evaluations

Project Details

Start Date

Problem Statement

Essential for a large range of nuclear reactor applications, evaluated nuclear data, such as cross sections and fission products, are generated on the basis of experimental measurements using nuclear reaction models depending on adjustable parameters.

Technical Approach

The evaluation procedure begins with the analysis of the available experimental data and proceeds with the generation of theoretical data by the use of nuclear reaction codes. The R-matrix code, SAMMY, is usually used to describe data in the resolved resonance region while Hauser-Feshback codes, e.g. EMPIRE, are used to determine scattering observables in the fast or high incident energy range. 


Among nuclear evaluated data, those concerning neutron-particle interactions are necessary to simulate reactor behavior by core calculations using multi-group application library. There also data concerning charged-particle interactions, like α, on light nuclei essential for calculating neutron emission in present oxide nuclear fuels.


US DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NCSP and NA-22)

Principal Investigator

Marco T. Pigni