Reactor Multiphysics Group

Nuclear reactor multiphysics R&D at ORNL focuses on the modeling and simulation of complex and often tightly coupled physical dynamics that commonly comprise nuclear systems. This not only comprises the development and implementation of various modeling methods into production code systems, such as SCALE and VERA, but also the use of these codes for high fidelity simulation analyses to solve industry relevant challenge problems.
A key characteristic of our work is a strong focus on application-driven software development where reactor analysts and methods developers work in tandem to develop software tools for real-world applications. Applications focus areas include core analysis of light water reactors (LWRs) and advanced reactor concepts such as small modular reactors and molten-salt reactors.
Develop and deploy state-of-the-art modeling & simulation capabilities to perform multiphysics analyses of reactors, spent fuels, and other related nuclear systems.
Leverage expertise with SCALE, VERA, CTF, BISON, MAMBA, and other nuclear software tools along with reactor/fuel cycle experience to solve challenging and relevant nuclear systems problems.
Major Sponsors:
DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE National Nuclear Security Administration
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission