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Detection and Characterization of Nucleation Bubbles on Surfaces Using Neutron Scattering

Project Details

Principal Investigator
ORNL Image
<p>SANS guide hall</p>










Problem Statement

Understanding the initial stage of gas phase nucleation on solid surfaces is important for predicting and controlling various boiling regimes and maximizing cooling efficiency in systems, such as nuclear reactors, where an exceedingly high amount of heat is generated in comparatively small volumes.

Technical Approach

Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) was used to study the degree of water penetration into cavities with fixed depth but different wettability. The scattering amplitude was analytically tailored to calculate the filling degree. 


The obtained data demonstrate a high degree of sensitivity of SANS measurement for detecting and characterizing monolayers of nano and meso-scale bubbles formed on surfaces with volume fraction as low as ~10-6.


Biology and Soft Matter Division

Center for Nanophase Materials Science


ORNL Seed Money Fund


Senior Research Staff
Emilian Popov