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International Safeguards

International Safeguards

The International Safeguards Group aids the US government in

  • supporting the implementation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards at US facilities
  • engaging foreign organizations in collaboration on international safeguards implementation
  • researching advanced safeguards concepts and approaches
  • facilitating programs that expand training and education opportunities in nonproliferation

Each year, the group actively engages more than 50 international inspectorates, regulatory authorities, and facility operators—ranging from emerging nuclear states to those with advanced nuclear fuel cycles—by organizing international technical workshops, meetings, training courses, and facility visits.

These efforts focus on methods and practices relevant to implementing international safeguards by reviewing treaty obligations; defining reporting and verification requirements; and demonstrating implementation tools and practices.

The group uses scientific and technical resources from across the laboratory complex to support these nonproliferation missions, including nuclear science and engineering, nuclear materials control and accountability, analytical services, neutron sciences, reactor and nuclear systems, and many more.

The main beneficiary of these efforts is IAEA, which is responsible for developing annual reports on safeguards implementation progress.

Michael Whitaker
Group Leader, International Safeguards