The Thermo Fisher Scientific Helios 5 CX SEM/FIB is used to prepare ~100 nm needle shaped specimens and <100 nm lamella for atom probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments, respectively.
It is equipped with a monochromated Elstar Electron Column capable of sub-nm resolution at a 1 kV accelerating voltage. The Tomahawk ion column is equipped with two stage differential pumping allowing for a maximum resolution of 2.5 nm. The electron and ion beams are focused onto an eucentric stage position at a 52° angle allowing for simultaneous milling and imaging using the ion and electron beams, respectively. The nano-sized ion beam allows for high precision sample fabrication at 30 kV, while lower voltage beams are used to remove ion beam damaged regions from the sample surfaces.
A Thermo Fisher Easy lift system is used to liftout specimens from specific regions of interest.
The microscope is equipped with a Secondary Electron Detector (SED), in-lens detector (TLD), and Directional Backscatter Detector (DBS) as well as an Oxford Instruments Ultim Max 65mm2 X-ray detector for energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDS) measurements.
Tomahawk Ion Column
- Liquid metal Ga+ ion source
- Resolution: 2.5 nm
- 0.9 mm maximum horizontal field of view at the beam coincidence point
- 0.5 to 30 kV Accelerating voltage
- 1 pA to 20 nA beam current
Elstar SEM Column
- 0.5 to 30 kV Accelerating voltage
- 0.6 nm resolution at 15 kV
- 1.0 nm resolution at 1 kV
- 176 nA maximum beam current
- 2.3 mm maximum horizontal field of view at a 4 mm WD
- SED, TLD, and DBS detectors
Oxford Instruments Ultim Max 65mm2 X-Ray Detector