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​​​​​​​Team UT-Battelle

Team UT-Battelle activity

Team UT-Battelle is a volunteer service program that connects ORNL employees with outreach and enrichment opportunities to broadly benefit Oak Ridge, East Tennessee, and nearby communities.

The “team” concept unites employees with shared interests in community causes, who come together as members of the same team to address the challenges of communities in need. Supported by Team UT-Battelle, employees can team up to make personal impacts on their communities in broad areas, including education, art, culture, citizenship, environment, health, and well-being.

The program is also responsible for ensuring that any staff-led volunteering, fundraising, or other outreach activities that solicit employee awareness, participation, or donations meet basic requirements. To get started, please review Team UT-Battelle guidelines and complete the required request form.

What is Team UT-Battelle?

Team UT-Battelle was established by employees with Lab support to recognize and foster employee-driven outreach initiatives as an integral part of ORNL’s Community Engagement mission. The program, administered by an advisory committee of staff volunteers, oversees all staff-led projects that engage the Lab’s employees in volunteering, fundraising, or other community-based services.

All ORNL employees are members of Team UT-Battelle and may participate in team events or submit a request to lead a project. Only current employees can sign up to lead a project, but employees, retirees, family, and friends may be invited to participate in Team UT-Battelle activities.

How does this employee program work?

As a volunteer service program, Team UT-Battelle is designed to support groups of ORNL employees participating in staff-led outreach projects that benefit the Lab’s external communities.

Team UT-Battelle can help employees

  • Get approval to hold or promote outreach activities at the Lab
  • Broadcast messages appropriately
  • Communicate across Lab platforms (e.g., ORNL Today, social media, digital signage)
  • Defray participation costs for employees
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Collect donations
  • Raise awareness
  • Earn recognition

Note: Any outreach project held or promoted at the Lab must be approved by Team UT-Battelle in advance. This requirement applies to all staff-led efforts planned by individuals, employee groups, divisions, or any other organizations, regardless of the number of employees involved and with or without requests made for funding or other assistance.

How can employees participate?

Team UT-Battelle is a volunteer service program offered to employees, rather than a membership organization, so there’s no need to apply to join. All ORNL employees are considered members of Team UT-Battelle. Instead of joining Team UT-Battelle, think of Team UT-Battelle as joining you in your volunteer efforts!

Lead a project

Employees interested in leading a project or promoting a cause at the Lab can apply to be a team captain via email to Team UT-Battelle approval is required prior to hosting or promoting any outreach activity at the Lab.

Apply for funding, request communications or other support

In addition to endorsing projects to be held or promoted at the Lab, Team UT-Battelle also offers funding up to $500 to defray employee participation costs and access to the Lab’s communications services to promote team activities.

Participate in Team UT-Battelle projects

Team UT-Battelle projects often recruit volunteers, collect donations, or enlist the support of employees across the Lab. Visit ORNL Today for announcements about upcoming opportunities.

Follow Team UT-Battelle Activities

Want to see what Team UT-Battelle is all about? Follow our activities on social media (Twitter, Facebook). If you have questions, contact us at And tag us on social media at #ORNLGives with photos from your special volunteer events and fundraisers.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. Please read the Community Engagement Guidelines for nonprofit giving here.

Revised 1/23/2020