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Community Engagement Guidelines

Internal Operating Procedure for Nonprofit Giving

Because of the nature of our work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), we must follow federal guidelines for providing financial gifts to 501(c)(3) organizations. Support such as this is not allowable by the US government as it would be considered taxpayer funded. Therefore, ORNL relies on the generosity of our managing corporate partner, UT-Battelle, to underwrite sponsorships and financial gifts to nonprofit organizations that align with ORNL’s giving strategy. 

To apply for a grant

All requests for financial support must be submitted online using the Grant Application. ORNL only accepts online applications for charitable support. Applications are accepted during two grant cycles only: July 1– 31 (requests considered in August) and January 1–31 (requests considered in February).  Grant Guidelines are provided for your convenience.

Notes: UT-Battelle, via CE, may require additional information on the requesting organization’s budget, the board of directors, and/or community service history, and it reserves the right to research additional details via Charity Navigator or other online vetting resources. Contributions are only provided to recognized 501(c)(3) organizations and will not be considered for individuals or groups with political or religious affiliations.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle LLC for the US Department of Energy. Please read the Community Engagement Guidelines for nonprofit giving here.