The JEOL NeoARM enables atomic-resolution imaging at accelerating voltages ranging from 30 kV to 200 kV. The microscope features a cold field emission gun as well as a Cs corrector (ASCOR) that compensates for higher order aberrations. The STEM detector provides enhanced contrast of light elements, which is achieved by a new imaging technique, enhanced annular bright field, facilitating observation of light-element materials.
- CEOS DCOR Cs-Corrector for STEM
- X-FEG High Brightness Schottky Field Emission Gun
- Operating Voltages: 60 and 300kV
- S-Twin Objective Lens
- STEM Resolution at 300kV
- Fischione HAADF STEM Detector
- Gatan BF and ADF STEM Detector
- Gatan OneView Camera CMOS Camera
- Gatan STEMx System for 4D-STEM experiments
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Gatan Quantum GIF Model 963
- Dual EELS and EFTEM
Specialized Software
- Protochips Axon
- Protochips Axon Dose
Specialized Holders
- Protochips Atmosphere AX: In situ Gas Cell
- Protochips Poseiden AX: Liquid and Electrochemical Liquid Cell
- Protochips Fusion AX: Double Tilt Heating and Electrical Biasing
- Nanofactory in situ AFM/STM Electrical Biasing Holders
- Fischione Tomography Holder
- Gatan Double-tilt Cooling Holder