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DOE honors ORNL transportation researchers with Distinguished Achievement awards

  • ORNL researchers received five DOE Distinguished Achievement Awards recognizing outstanding individual and team accomplishments at the Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting for the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office.

  • Vitaly Prikhodko, Stuart Daw, and Josh Pihl with their DOE Distinguished Achievement Awards for technical leadership in managing the DOE Cross Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations initiative.

  • Larry Allard accepts a DOE Distinguished Achievement Award for his materials research from DOE Propulsion Materials Program Development Manager Jerry Gibbs.

  • Tim Burress accepts a DOE Distinguished Achievement Award on behalf of the ORNL ferrite motor team from DOE Electric Drive Research Manager Susan Rogers.

  • ORNL researchers received five DOE Distinguished Achievement Awards recognizing outstanding individual and team accomplishments at the Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting for the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office.

  • Vitaly Prikhodko, Stuart Daw, and Josh Pihl with their DOE Distinguished Achievement Awards for technical leadership in managing the DOE Cross Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations initiative.

  • Larry Allard accepts a DOE Distinguished Achievement Award for his materials research from DOE Propulsion Materials Program Development Manager Jerry Gibbs.

  • Tim Burress accepts a DOE Distinguished Achievement Award on behalf of the ORNL ferrite motor team from DOE Electric Drive Research Manager Susan Rogers.

Congratulations to the following ORNL Sustainable Transportation Program researchers who received DOE Distinguished Achievement Awards recognizing outstanding individual and team accomplishments at the Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting for the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office. 

  • Larry Allard of the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD) was recognized for increasing fundamental understanding of materials. From ground-breaking work on metals to pioneering in situ catalyst characterization, Larry’s research will significantly impact future vehicles.
  • Felix Paulauskas of MSTD  was honored for his outstanding research on plasma oxidation for carbon fiber conversion. This technology, now licensed to RMX Technologies, lowers costs and saves energy in the production of carbon fiber.
  • Tim Burress, Jason Pries, Lixin Tang, and Randy Wiles of the Electrical and Electronics Systems Research Division were honored for their development of a novel ferrite motor that achieves 75% higher power than comparable commercial motors without the use of rare earth permanent magnets, lowering costs for electric drivetrains.
  • Josh Pihl, Stuart Daw, and Vitaly Prikhodko of the Energy and Transportation Science Division (ETSD) were recognized for their technical leadership in managing the Cross Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations (CLEERS) initiative, a DOE effort focused on developing computational tools and disseminating data that greatly benefit the emissions control research community.
  • ETSD co-authors Zhenhong Lin and Changzheng Liu and contributor James Li along with co-authors from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory received recognition for a report estimating the bounds and important factors for fuel use and consumer costs of connected and automated vehicles.