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What We Do

Our Mission: Oak Ridge National Laboratory delivers scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation.

Research With Impact

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Scientific Discovery

We conduct world-leading research that translates science into solutions for the world’s biggest problems. Our translational R&D approach spans fundamental science to demonstration and deployment, leveraging signature strengths in materials, neutrons, nuclear, and computing sciences.
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Energy R&D

We play a pivotal role in securing America's energy future. Our researchers deliver breakthroughs in energy from generation to distribution and storage to end use in support of Department of Energy missions.
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National Security

ORNL advances the science behind national security. We apply unique expertise, capabilities, resources, and facilities to solve critical scientific challenges in cybersecurity, nuclear security, and human security.

From the earliest days of Manhattan Project, ORNL has focused on translational science, where basic and applied research work together to facilitate and accelerate use-inspired fundamental science and science-driven technology development.

The nation’s economic future depends on a vibrant science and technology infrastructure that supports industries that can compete globally as they take discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace.