Cross Section (XS) Processing (XSProc) provides material input and multigroup cross section preparation for most SCALE sequences. XSProc allows users to specify problem materials using easily remembered and easily recognizable keywords associated with mixtures, elements, nuclides, and fissile solutions provided in the SCALE Standard Composition Library. For multigroup calculations, XSProc provides cross section temperature correction and resonance self-shielding, as well as energy group collapse and spatial homogenization for systems that can be represented in unit cell input data as infinite media, finite 1D systems, or repeating structures of 1D systems such as uniform arrays of fuel units. Improved resonance self-shielding treatment for nonuniform lattices can be achieved through the use the Monte Carlo Dancoff (MCDancoff) code that generates Dancoff factors for generalized 3D geometries for subsequent use in XSProc. Cross sections are generated on a microscopic and/or macroscopic basis as needed. Although XSProc is most often used as part of an integrated sequence, it can be run without subsequent calculations to generate problem-dependent multigroup data for use in other tools.