Dr. Weiju Ren’s research and development (R&D) interests cover high temperature materials, mechanical behavior and analysis, materials informatics, verification and validation (V&V) of advanced modeling and simulation, and integrated computational materials engineering. He currently serves as Manager of Operations for Department of Energy’s (DOE) Gen IV Materials Handbook Project to develop materials database system and coordinate international collaboration in materials for the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) development, which includes former and present member countries of Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States. He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and leads the development of the ASME Materials Properties Database system to support ASME codes and standards. In R&D for V&V of computational modeling and simulation, he currently leads the technical development of the Nuclear Energy - Knowledgebase for Advance Modeling and Simulation (NE-KAMS). He is also a member of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E08 for fatigue and fracture and E28 for mechanical testing; the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) WG Materials Database, Section II SG Nonferrous Alloys, Section II TG Data Analysis, Section II Committee on Materials, and Section III WG Allowable Stress Criteria; and the American Society of Metals (ASM International).
Award Date/Year: 2022
Award name: Certificate of Appreciation
Citation: for valued service in advancing the engineering profession
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award Date/Year: 2021
Award name: Patent
Citation: Molten Salt Environment Creep Testing Extensometry System
Awarding Organization: United States Patent
Award Date/Year: 2019
Award name: Certificate of Appreciation
Citation: for outstanding service to the PVP division and the materials & fabrication technical committee
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award Date/Year: 2017
Award name: Fellow
Citation: Who is now entitled to all the privileges, granted by the Constitution of the Society, an organization for promoting the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award Date/Year: 2016
Award name: Patent
Citation: Liquid Salt Environment Stress-Rupture Testing
Awarding Organization: United States Patent
Award Date/Year: 2016
Award name: Certificate of Recognition
Citation: for valued service in advancing the engineering profession by dedicated service
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award Date/Year: 2014
Award name: Invention Patent
Citation: Friction Stir Welding and Processing of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Alloys
Awarding Organization: United States Patent
Award Date/Year: 2014
Award name: Certificate of Recognition
Citation: for valued service in advancing the engineering profession by dedicated service
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Award Date/Year: 1998
Award name: Best Paper
Citation: Durability-Based Design Criteria for an Automotive Structural Composite
Awarding Organization: Engineering Society of Detroit
Award Date/Year: 1998
Award name: Best Paper
Citation: Creep and Creep Rupture of a Continuous Strand, Swirl Mat Reinforced Polymer Composite in Automotive Environments
Awarding Organization: Composites Institute
Award Date/Year: 1998
Award name: President's Award
Awarding Organization: American Society for Metals
Award Date/Year: 1995
Award name: First Place Award
Citation: First Place of Student International Competition
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessels & Piping Division
Award Date/Year: 1995
Award name: Finalist Award
Citation: Finalist of Student International Competition
Awarding Organization: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessels & Piping Division
Award Date/Year: 1993
Award name: Tau Beta Pi
Awarding Organization: National Engineering Honor Society.
- Ph.D., 1995, The University of Tennessee, Metallurgy Major, Materials Science and Engineering; Dissertation title: “Time-Dependent Fracture Mechanics Characterization of Haynes HR160 Superalloy.”
- M.Sc., 1986, Tianjin University, Welding Major, Mechanical Engineering; Thesis title: “Development of Computerized Welding Experimental Simulation System.”
- B.Sc., 1983, Tsinghua University, Mechanical Engineering; Graduation design project report title: “Development of Wire Feeding Control System for Automatic TIG Arc Welding.”
Trademarks and Patents
“Molten Salt Environment Creep Testing Extensometry System, Application No. 15/897,584; Patent Publication Number: US-2018-0238785-A 1; Publication Date: August 23, 2018; Filing Date: February 15, 2018; Assignee: UT-Battelle, LLC; Inventor: Weiju Ren.
“Liquid Salt Environment Stress-Rupture Testing,” Application Number: 14/277,274; Patent Publication Number: US2015/0330883 A1; Publication Date: Nov. 19, 2015; Filing Date: May 14, 2014; Patent number: US9,291,537 B2; Date of Patent: March 22, 2016; Assignee: UT-Battelle, LLC; Inventor: Weiju Ren, David E. Holcomb, Govindarjan Muralidharan, Dane F. Wilson.
“Filled Friction Stir Welding Technology for Joining Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys,” Patent pending, ORNL Technology Transfer and Economic Development Office, ORNL invention disclosure No. 2042, Weiju Ren.