Wei Tian R&D Staff, Neutron Scattering Scientist Contact 865.574.6427 | tianwn@ornl.gov All Publications Nanometric modulations of the magnetic structure of the element Nd Linking NH4+ motion to magnetism in molecular multiferroic (NH4)2[FeCl5(H2O)] : A neutron vibrational spectroscopy study New insight into tuning magnetic phases of RMn6Sn6 kagome metals Pressure–Temperature–Magnetic Field Phase Diagram of Multiferroic (NH 4 ) 2 FeCl 5 ·H 2 O Random fields from quenched disorder in an archetype for correlated electrons: The parallel spin stripe phase of La1.6−𝑥Nd0.4Sr𝑥CuO4 at the 1/8 anomaly Superstructures and magnetic order in heavily Cu-substituted (Fe1−𝑥Cu𝑥)1+𝑦Te... Static and dynamical properties of the spin-52 nearly ideal triangular lattice antiferromagnet Ba3MnSb2O9 Large anomalous Nernst effect and topological Nernst effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnet NdMn2Ge2 Antiferromagnetic order and its interplay with superconductivity in CaK(Fe1−xMnx)4As4... Multi-k magnetic structure and large anomalous Hall effect in candidate magnetic Weyl semimetal NdAlGe Role of Magnetic Defects in Tuning Ground States of Magnetic Topological Insulators Thermal cycling induced alteration of the stacking order and spin-flip in the room temperature van der Waals magnet Fe5GeTe2 Polyhedral Distortions and Unusual Magnetic Order in Spinel FeMn2O4 Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials Weak itinerant magnetic phases of La2Ni7 Pressure dependence of the magnetic ground state in CePtSi2 Non-magnetic ion site disorder effects on the quantum magnetism of a spin-1/2 equilateral triangular lattice antiferromagnet High-Field Magnetoelectric and Spin-Phonon Coupling in Multiferroic (NH4)2[FeCl5·(H2O)] Understanding magnetic phase coexistence in Ru2Mn1−xFexSn Heusler alloys: A neutron scattering, thermodynamic, and phenomenological analysis Magnetic excitations of the hybrid multiferroic (ND4)2FeCl5⋅D2O Canted antiferromagnetic order and spin dynamics in the honeycomb-lattice compound Tb2Ir3Ga9 Helical magnetic order and Fermi surface nesting in noncentrosymmetric ScFeGe Pseudospin-lattice coupling and electric control of the square-lattice iridate Sr2IrO4 Magnetic-field-induced nontrivial electronic state in the Kondo-lattice semimetal CeSb Spin waves above and below the Verwey transition in TbBaFe2O5 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division User Facilities High Flux Isotope Reactor