Vittorio Badalassi Interim Group Leader and Distinguished R&D Staff Member- Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics Group, Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Contact 865.341.0431 | All Publications Nested Pebble Bed Blanket (NesPeB)... FERMI: Fusion Energy Reactor Models Integrator Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Strategic Research and Development Insights for Digital Twins VERTEX Closures: Towards data-driven 3D MHD turbulence models for fusion blanket simulations Integral analysis of the effect of material dimension and composition on tokamak neutronics * 3D high-fidelity automated neutronics guided optimization of fusion blanket designs... FERMI: FUSION ENERGY REACTOR MODELS INTEGRATOR - Integrated High-fidelity Multiphysics Framework for Fusion Modeling INTEGRATED PLASMA AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT FOR TOKAMAK REACTOR COMPONENTS... Impact of fusion reactor neutronics modeling for transmutation and thermal feedback Fully Implicit Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of the ARC-Class Vacuum Vessel Enabling multiphysics simulation of fusion blankets on exascale architecture using OpenFOAM Integrated Fusion Neutronics Workflow for MCNP, OpenMC, and Shift Digital Twins for Nuclear Power Plants and Facilities Multiphysics code coupling for fusion blankets IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENERGY EQUATION SOLVER TO THE LATTICE BOLTZMANN METHOD-BASED CODE PRATHAM FERMI: A MULTI-PHYSICS SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT FOR FUSION REACTOR BLANKET Multi-Physics simulations for Fusion reactor blankets Optimization of a Simplified ARC Reactor Design Through Coupled Neutronics, Thermal Hydraulics Modeling Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to Simulate a Combined Reforming Process for Syngas and Hydrogen Production Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Advanced Reactor Engineering and Development Section Multiphysics CFD Applications Group