Vitalii Starchenko Researcher, Computational Chemistry Contact 865.574.1252 | All Publications Influence of Dissolved Iron in Solution on MgO Hydroxylation and Carbonation... Effect of Nucleation Heterogeneity on Mineral Precipitation in Confined Environments Real-Time Atomic-Scale Structural Analysis Resolves the Amorphous to Crystalline CaCO3 Mechanism Controversy Interfacially Enhanced Superconductivity in Fe(Te,Se)/Bi 4 Te 3 Heterostructures Armoring of MgO by a Passivation Layer Impedes Direct Air Capture of CO2 Assessing an aqueous flow cell designed for in situ crystal growth under X-ray nanotomography and effects of radiolysis products Grain boundary widening controls siderite (FeCO3) replacement of limestone (CaCO3) Phase Transition Dynamics in a Complex Oxide Heterostructure In Situ Observations of Barium Sulfate Nucleation in Nanopores Numerical Study of Mineral Nucleation and Growth on a Substrate Accelerating Collective Communication in Data Parallel Training across Deep Learning Frameworks Pore-Scale Modeling of Mineral Growth and Nucleation in Reactive Flow... Studies of Mineral Nucleation and Growth Across Multiple Scales: Review of the Current State of Research Using the Example of... Opposing Effects of Impurity Ion Sr2+ on the Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Barite (BaSO4) Micro-continuum approach for mineral precipitation Characteristics of flow through randomly packed impermeable and permeable particles using pore resolved simulations Grain Detachment and Transport Clogging During Mineral Dissolution in Carbonate Rocks with Permeable Grain Boundaries Time-dependent shapes of a dissolving mineral grain: Comparisons of simulations with microfluidic experiments Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: review of approaches and benchmark problem set Mapping Three-dimensional Dissolution Rates of Calcite Microcrystals: Effects of Surface Curvature and Dissolved Metal Ions The Development of Wormholes in Laboratory‐Scale Fractures: Perspectives From Three‐Dimensional Simulations Unraveling the Effects of Strontium Incorporation on Barite Growth—In Situ and Ex Situ Observations Using Multiscale Chemical Imaging Spontaneous imbibition of water and determination of effective contact angles in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation using neutron imaging Spontaneous imbibition of water and determination of effective contact angles in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation using neutron imaging Spontaneous imbibition of water and determination of effective contact angles in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation using neutron imaging Key Links ORCID Google Scholar Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Chemical Sciences Division Chemical Transformations Section Geochemistry and Interfacial Science Group