Verity G Salmon R & D Staff Contact 925.878.9681 | All Publications Nitrogen fixing shrubs advance the pace of tall-shrub expansion in low-Arctic tundra An ultrahigh-resolution E3SM land model simulation framework and its first application to the Seward Peninsula in Alaska Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Drives Spatially Heterogeneous Soil Moisture and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Upland Tundra Exploring the Role of Cryptic Nitrogen Fixers in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Frontier in Nitrogen Cycling Research Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic We must stop fossil fuel emissions to protect permafrost ecosystems High nitrate variability on an Alaskan permafrost hillslope dominated by alder shrubs Whole-Ecosystem Warming Increases Plant-Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus in an Ombrotrophic Bog Assessing dynamic vegetation model parameter uncertainty across Alaskan arctic tundra plant communities A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardising root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements Landscape-scale characterization of Arctic tundra vegetation composition, structure, and function with a multi-sensor unoccupied aerial system Integrating arctic plant functional types in a land surface model using above‐ and belowground field observations Solar position confounds the relationship between ecosystem function and vegetation indices derived from solar and photosynthetically active radiation fluxes Topographical Controls on Hillslope‐Scale Hydrology Drive Shrub Distributions on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska... Shallow soils are warmer under trees and tall shrubs across Arctic and Boreal ecosystems A Multi-Sensor Unoccupied Aerial System Improves Characterization of Vegetation Composition and Canopy Properties in the Arctic Tundra Alder Distribution and Expansion Across a Tundra Hillslope: Implications for Local N Cycling... Direct observation of permafrost degradation and rapid soil carbon loss in tundra Chapter 15 - Long-term warming research in high-latitude ecosystems: Responses from polar ecosystems and implications for future climate Using Stable Carbon Isotopes of Seasonal Ecosystem Respiration to Determine Permafrost Carbon Loss Divergent patterns of experimental and model-derived permafrost ecosystem carbon dynamics in response to Arctic warming... Divergent patterns of experimental and model-derived permafrost ecosystem carbon dynamics in response to Arctic warming... Adding Depth to Our Understanding of Nitrogen Dynamics in Permafrost Soils Biotic responses buffer warming‐induced soil organic carbon loss in Arctic tundra Tundra is a consistent source of CO2 at a site with progressive permafrost thaw during 6 years of chamber and eddy covariance... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Earth Systems Science Section Plant - Soil Interactions Group Climate Change Science Institute