Tim R Younkin Contact 865.341.8073 | younkintr@ornl.gov All Publications ASGarD: Adaptive Sparse Grid Discretization Dependence of high-Z redeposition on the field-to-surface pitch angle and other sheath parameters in tokamaks Integrated model predictions on the impact of substrate damage on gas dynamics during ITER burning-plasma operations... RF sheath induced sputtering on Proto-MPEX part 2: Impurity transport modeling and experimental comparison... RF sheath induced sputtering on Proto-MPEX. I. Sheath equivalent dielectric layer for modeling the RF sheath... Nested Workflows for Loosely Coupled HPC Simulations... Kinetic-j: A computational kernel for solving the linearized Vlasov equation applied to calculations of the kinetic, configur... Description of the Prototype Diagnostic Residual Gas Analyzer for ITER... Key Links Curriculum Vitae