Tash has the honor of 'The First Underrepresented Minority Woman' to receive a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of South Carolina in 2019. Prior to joining ORNL in April 2021, she was a postdoc at LANL in the Materials Science and Technology Division in the Fuels Research Laboratory. Some of her work included advanced nuclear fuel development and fabrication, a complex process which requires precise control of many process parameters to obtain a final product conforming to stringent specifications. She was actively involved in developing accident tolerant fuel materials aimed to improve the passive safety of current nuclear reactor fleet as well as multicomponent fuel development for nuclear thermal propulsion. In her current role, Tash will leverage her knowledge and skills to advanced post-irradiation examination and characterization of irradiated fuel systems.
When Tash is not doing science she enjoys cooking, baking and KARAOKE.