Dr. Tarek Habib Ghaddar is an Assistant Research and Development staff member in the Power Reactor Modeling Group of the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his B.S.E in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2014, his M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2016, and his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2019. Advised by Dr. Jean Ragusa, his graduate research focused on the optimization of massively parallel radiation transport on unstructured grids.
At ORNL, Tarek has worked as a developer on the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA), the MPACT neutron transport code (which serves as a driver for the VERA multiphysics calculations), and the SCALE code system. Within the SCALE code system, Tarek is the product owner of Titan, a new interface for the Shift Monte-Carlo code. Titan also provides a geometry API to potentially set up problems for other codes in the SCALE code system.