Stuart R Slattery
Scalable Engineering Applications Group Leader
Dr. Slattery is a senior staff member in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division and Group Leader for Scalable Engineering Applications. His work focuses on the research, development, implementation, and application of massively parallel algorithms for multiphysics and multiscale simulations including fluid dynamics and solid mechanics. This includes the development and application of methods in sparse and dense linear and nonlinear algebra, partial differential equation discretizations, computational meshes, particles, time integrators, and numerical optimization. He leads exascale development efforts in both software technology for multiphysics and multiscale coupling as well as exascale co-design and application efforts for the development of particle methods for continuum mechanics. He has also contributed to algorithm research for numerical methods in radiation transport. These efforts develop scalable, performance portable libraries and applications targeting next-generation supercomputers that impact computational science in DOE in areas including isotope science and engineering, advanced manufacturing, and fusion technology.
Dr. Slattery earned his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin before joining ORNL as staff scientist in 2013.