Dr. Steven Hamilton is a staff member in the radiation transport group at ORNL. He completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Nuclear Engineering at Georgia Tech in 2006 and 2007, respectively. From 2007 to 2011, he was a recipient of the DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, and completed his Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics at Emory University in 2011. Since 2011, he has worked in the radiation transport group as a developer on the Denovo deterministic and Shift Monte Carlo radiation transport codes.
Steven's research interests are in the development of numerical algorithms for radiation transport solvers and Multiphysics problems. He has worked on applying subspace eigenvalue solvers and Krylov linear solvers to the solution of deterministic transport problems and has investigated the use of advanced nonlinear solvers for coupled Multiphysics problems arising in nuclear reactor physics. Steven's recent work has focused on adapting the Shift Monte Carlo solver to operate on GPUs for use on next-generation high performance computing platforms such as ORNL's Summit supercomputer.
Since 2017, Steven has been the primary investigator for the ExaSMR project within the Applications Development area of the Exascale Computing Project (ECP). Through collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory, MIT, and Idaho State University, the ExaSMR project aims to advance the state of predictive numerical simulation of small modular reactors (SMRs) by enabling coupled simulations involving Monte Carlo radiation transport and computational fluid dynamics solvers. The scale of these problems necessitates utilizing the largest available computing resources, with the aim of executing challenge problems on future exascale computers.
R&D 100 Award, Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (2016)
ORNL Significant Event Award, Significant Improvement in Computational Performance of the VERA Core Simulator to Meet Industry Objectives for Adoption (2016)
Best Paper/Presentation Award, Math and Comp. Division, 2016 ANS Winter Meeting
IDC HPC Innovation Excellence Award (2014)
UT-Battelle 2014 Team Research Accomplishment
Best Paper/Presentation Award, Math and Comp. Division, 2011 ANS Winter Meeting
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (2007-2011)