Stefano Tognini joined ORNL in 2019 as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and, since 2023, is a Research Scientist at the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division. Most of his time is focused on the development of Celeritas, a GPU Monte Carlo particle transport code for High Energy Physics experiments. This project is a multi-institution collaboration encompassing ORNL, Fermilab, ANL, LBNL and the University of Warwick. Beyond Celeritas, he works on improving signal reconstruction for Radiation Portal Monitors as a part of ORNL's nuclear nonproliferation science initiative and on developing a low-cost, mobile, and energy-efficient muon detector that uses cosmic ray muons for subsurface characterization and geological disposal safety assessments (GDSA).
Before joining ORNL, he received a Ph.D. in Physics from Federal University of Goias, after working at Fermilab and ANL on two High Energy Physics experiments, namely MINOS and NOvA. These are decade-long, worldwide endeavors to answer questions on neutrino physics, astrophysics, dark matter, and more, which provided him opportunities to work with different teams on a wide set of tasks and topics, including testing detector electronics, maintaining remote operation centers, developing Monte Carlo, and performing data analyses.