Ryan S Bennink
Group Leader, Quantum Computational Science
Dr. Ryan Bennink leads the Quantum Computational Science Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. For the past decade his research interests have revolved around modeling and simulation of quantum computation and developing new quantum computational methods. Prior to that, Dr. Bennink developed state-of-the-art entangled photon sources for quantum information science applications. Dr. Bennink has a Ph.D in optics from the University of Rochester and undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics. He studied abroad as a Marshall Scholar, was a Sproull Fellow at the University of Rochester, and joined ORNL as a Wigner Fellow in 2004.
August 2021
Journal: npj Quantum Information
July 2024
Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems
November 2023
Conference Paper
October 2023
Journal: ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing
October 2023
Conference Paper