Qiang Zhang is a point of contact and an instrument scientist at POWGEN, located at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), ORNL. Prior to joining the staff , he held a position as an assistant professor at Louisiana State University. From April 2015 to March 2018, he was a research associate V in Louisiana State University and a long-term visiting scientist in ORNL (remote working station). Prior to this, he was a postdoctoral research associate in Ames Laboratory & Iowa State University (2011-2015). From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a Marie Curie fellow in Laboratory CRISMAT, CNRS in France. Before he received his PhD in Materials Physics and Chemistry from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, he studied in Leiden University, the Netherlands, as an exchange PhD student in 2006.
Dr. Zhang's research interest lies in exploring the coupling between lattice, spin, orbital, and/or charge degree of freedom and how this relationship drives the fantastic properties in various functional materials. He employs a variety of characterization techniques with a particular emphasis on elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques. The materials he is currently working include, but are not limited to, topological semimetals, multiferroics, high-Tc superconductors, thermoelectric materials, battery materials, molecular magnets, and frustrated magnets. He has authored more than 125 publications with an H-index of 30 as of April , 2023, including 35 papers as the leading/corresponding author.
See a full publication in orcid or google scholar
Selected Publications
- Y. Liu †, J. Hu †, Q. Zhang†, D. Graf, H.B. Cao, S.M.A. Radmanesh, D.J. Adams, Y.L. Zhu, G.F. Cheng, X. Liu, W. A. Phelan, J. Wei, M. Jaime, F. Balakirev, D. A. Tennant, J. F. DiTusa, I. Chiorescu, L. Spinu and Z.Q. Mao*, “A magnetic topological semimetal Sr1-yMn1-xSb2 (y, z < 0.10)”, Nature materials, 16, 905 (2017). (†These authors contribute equally to this work). (US DOE highlight)
- B. Li, H. Wang, Y. Kawakita, Q. Zhang, M. Feygenson, H. L. Yu, D. Wu, K. Ohara, T. Kikuchi, K. Shibata, T. Yamada, X. K. Ning, Y. Chen, J. Q. He, D. Vaknin, R. Q. Wu, K. Nakajima and M. G. Kanatzidis, “Liquid-like thermal conduction in intercalated layered crystalline solids”, Nature materials, 17, 226–230 (2018).
- Laidong Zhou, Tong-Tong Zuo, Chun Yuen Kwok, Se Young Kim, Abdeljalil Assoud, Qiang Zhang, Juergen Janek, Linda Nazar, “High areal capacity long cycle life 4 V ceramic all solid state Li ion batteries enabled by chloride solid electrolyte’, Nature energy, 19, 2146 (2021). (2022 top 10 science achievements at SNS & HFIR; US DOE highlight)
- Qiang Zhang*, Satoshi Okamoto*, German D. Samolyuk, Matthew B. Stone, Alexander I. Kolesnikov, Rui Xue, Jiaqiang Yan, Michael A. McGuire, David Mandrus, and D. Alan Tennant, “Unusual exchange couplings and intermediate temperature Weyl state in Co3Sn2S2”, Physical Review Letters, 127, 117201, (2021). (US DOE highlight; 2022 FY top 10 science achievements at SNS & HFIR)
- Qiang Zhang, Rafael M. Fernandes, Jagat Lamsal, Jiaqiang Yan, Songxue Chi, Gregory S. Tucker, Daniel K. Pratt, Jeffrey W. Lynn, R. W. McCallum, Paul C. Canfield, Thomas. A. Lograsso, Alan I. Goldman, David Vaknin, and Robert J. McQueeney*, “Neutron-Scattering Measurements of Spin Excitations in LaFeAsO and Ba(Fe0.953Co0.047)2As2: Evidence for a Sharp Enhancement of Spin Fluctuations by Nematic Order”, Physical Review Letters, 114, 057001, (2015).
- Yili Cao, Kun Lin, Sergii Khmelevskyi, Maxim Avdeev, Keith M. Taddei, Qiang Zhang, Qingzhen Huang, Qiang Li, Kenichi Kato, Chiu Chung Tang, Alexandra Gibbs, Chin-Wei Wang, Jinxia Deng, Jun Chen, Hongjie Zhang and Xianran Xing, “Ultrawide temperature range super-Invar behavior of R2(Fe,Co)17 materials (R = rare earth)”, Physical Review Letters, 127 (5), 055501, (2021).
- Y Huang, Q Zhang, YC Li, Y Yao, Y Hu, S Ren, “Chemical Tuning Meets 2D Molecular Magnets”, Advanced Materials, 35 (5), 2208919, (2023).
- Yingdong Guan, Leixin Miao, Jingyang He, Jinliang Ning, Yangyang Chen, Weiwei Xie, Jianwei Sun, Venkatraman Gopalan, Jun Zhu, Xiaoping Wang, Nasim Alem*, Qiang Zhang*, Zhiqiang and Mao*, “Layered semiconductor Cr0.32Ga0.68Te2.33 with concurrent broken inversion symmetry and ferromagnetism: a bulk ferrovalley material candidate”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 4683 (2023).
- Qiang Zhang*, Yuanpeng Zhang*, Masaaki Matsuda, Vasile O Garlea, Jiaqiang Yan, Michael A. McGuire, D. Alan Tennant, and Satoshi Okamoto, “Hidden local symmetry breaking in a kagome-lattice magnetic Weyl semimetal”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 14339 (2022). (2022 Neutron Science Division Best Paper Award)
- Yi, Qu, Maxx, Arguilla, Qiang Zhang, Xin He, Mircea Dinca, “Ultrathin, High-Aspect Ratio, and Free-Standing Magnetic Nanowires by Exfoliation of Ferromagnetic Quasi-One-Dimensional van der Waals Lattices”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 46, 19551 (2021).
- Yong Hu, Jennifer L Gottfried, Rose Pesce-Rodriguez, Chi-Chin Wu, Scott D Walck, Zhiyu Liu, Sangeeth Balakrishnan, Scott Broderick, Zipeng Guo, Qiang Zhang, Lu An, Revant Adlakha, Mostafa Nouh, Chi Zhou, Peter W Chung, Shenqiang Ren, “Releasing chemical energy in spatially programmed ferroelectrics”, Nature Communications, 13, 6959 (2022)
- Yong Hu, Scott Broderick, Zipeng Guo, Alpha T. N’Diaye, Cheng Li, Qiang Zhang, Yulong Huang, Chi Zhou, Shenqiang Ren, “Proton switching molecular magnetoelectricity”, Nature Communications, 12, 4602 (2021).
- Ji Qi, Baojuan Dong, Zhe Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Yanna Chen, Qiang Zhang, Sergey Danilkin, Xi Chen, Liangwei Fu, Xiaoming Jiang, Guozhi Chai, Satoshi Hiroi, Koji Ohara, Zongteng Zhang, Weijun Ren, Teng Yang, Jianshi Zhou, Sakata Osami, Jiaqing He, Dehong Yu, Bing Li, Zhidong Zhang, “Dimer rattling mode induced low thermal conductivity in an excellent acoustic conductor”, Nature Communications, 11, 5197 (2020).
- Anjana M Samarakoon, Kipton Barros, Ying Wai Li, Markus Eisenbach, Qiang Zhang, Feng Ye, ZL Dun, Haidong Zhou, Santiago A Grigera, Cristian D Batista, D Alan Tennant, “Machine Learning Assisted Insight to Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7”, Nature Communications, 11, 892 (2020).
- Lei Ding, Xianghan Xu, Harald O. Jeschke, Xiaojian Bai, Erxi Feng, Admasu Solomon Alemayehu, Jaewook Kim, Feiting Huang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaxin Ding, Neil Harrison, Vivien Zapf, Daniel Khomskii, Igor I. Mazin, Sang-Wook Cheong, Huibo Cao, “Field-tunable toroidal moment in a chiral-lattice magnet”, Nature Communications, 12, 5339, (2021).
- Qiang Zhang*+, Jinyu Liu+, Huibo Cao, W Adam Phelan, JF DiTusa, D Alan Tennant, Zhiqiang Mao, “Toward tunable quantum transport and novel magnetic states in Eu1-xSrxMnSb2 (z<0.05)”, NPG: Asia Materials, 14, 1-11 (2022).
- Q Zhang*, W Tian, RK Nepal, A Huq, S Nagler, JF DiTusa, R Jin*, “Polyhedral distortions and unusual magnetic order in spinel FeMn2O4”, Chemistry of Materials, 35, 6, 2330–2341, (2023).
- Qiang Zhang, Guixin Cao, Feng Ye, Huibo Cao, Masaaki Matsuda, DA Tennant, Songxue Chi, SE Nagler, WA Shelton, Rongying Jin, EW Plummer, Jiandi Zhang, “Anomalous magnetic behavior of Ba2CoO4 with isolated tetrahedra”, Physical Review B, 99, 094416, (2019).
- Qiang Zhang*, Wei Tian, Spencer G. Peterson, Kevin W. Dennis, David Vaknin*, “Spin reorientation and Ce-Mn coupling in antiferromagnetic oxypnictide CeMnAsO”, Physical Review B, 91, 064418 (2015).
- Q. Zhang*, K. Singh, F. Guillou, C. Simon, Y. Breard, V. Caignaert and V. Hardy, “Ordering process and ferroelectricity in a spinel derived from FeV2O4”, Physical Review B, 85, 054405 (2012).
- Neutron Science Division “Best Paper” Award 2022
- Top 10 science achievements in SNS & HFIR (First-authored JACS) 2023
- Top 10 science achievements in SNS & HFIR (Two papers selected: first-authored PRL and coauthored Nature energy) 2022
- Outstanding contribution in reviewing in Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 2017
- Newton International Fellowship in Royal Society 2011
- Marie Curie Fellow 2009-2011
Professional Service
- Associate editor in Frontier In Physics (2023-now)
- Associate editor in Crystals (2022-now)
- Lead organizer for POWGEN workshop in 2023
- Organizer for workshop on “Neutrons and Complementary Techniques for Quantum Materials”, 2020, 2022,2024
- Organizer for “Magnetic structure determination from Neutron Diffraction Data with GSAS-II” workshop at ORNL, 2023
- Organizing Committee member for Focus Topic in APS march meeting in 2023
- Head judge for MiTeGen-Society of Physics Students Undergraduate Poster award at ACA2021
- Memberships of American Crystallographic Association, American Physical Society, Neutron Scattering Society of America, Materials Research Society.