Moetasim (Moet) Ashfaq is a scientist for the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate at ORNL. Ashfaq is an atmospheric physicist with a background in physics and atmospheric science. He leads the high-resolution regional climate modeling and sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability research efforts at ORNL. Additionally, he is part of the team developing ORBIT: Oak Ridge-based foundation model for Earth system predictability.
His expertise lies in using global and regional climate and hydrological models to understand the past, present, and future climate fluctuations resulting from natural and anthropogenic changes and their implications for natural and human systems. In particular, his research focuses on developing methods for reliably identifying the dominant mechanisms governing the climate system response on a global, regional, and hydrologic basin scale, quantifying model-based uncertainties associated with such physical processes and developing a framework for multidisciplinary Earth System modeling to study climate change and variability in a comprehensive, rigorous way.