Miljko Bobrek DAQ Senior Hardware Engineer, DAQ-Development Group, Neutron Instrument Technologies Section, Neutron Technologies Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate Contact 865.574.5694 | All Publications Calibration of the analog beam-signal hardware for the credited engineered beam power limit system at the Proton Power Upgrad... A Unified User-Friendly Instrument Control and Data Acquisition System for the ORNL SANS Instrument Suite WAND 2 —A versatile wide angle neutron powder/single crystal diffractometer Real-time Cellular Activity Monitoring using LTE Radio Measurements Real-time Urban Population Monitoring Using Pervasive Sensor Network Generating the local oscillator "locally" in continuous-variable quantum key distribution based on coherent detection... An Integrated Signaling-Encryption Mechanism to Reduce Error Propagation in Wireless Communications: Performance Analyses FPGA Implementation of Reed-Solomon Decoder for IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Systems using Simulink-Sysgen Design Environment... ENHANCING NETWORK SECURITY USING 'LEARNING-FROM-SIGNALS' AND FRACTIONAL FOURIER TRANSFORM BASED RF-DNA FINGERPRINTS FPGA Design Practices for I&C in Nuclear Power Plants Emerging Technologioes in Instrumentation and Controls and Their Potential Regulatory Implications for Nuclear Power Plants... High Density Interconnect Multi-Chip Module for the Front-End Electronics of the PHENIX MVD... Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section DAQ Hardware Group