Miljko Bobrek
DAQ Senior Hardware Engineer, DAQ-Development Group, Neutron Instrument Technologies Section, Neutron Technologies Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate
Dr. Miljko Bobrek is a Senior R&D Staff Member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He joined ORNL in 1998, and has been involved in various research projects related to development and implementation of advanced signal processing algorithms for wireless communications, time-frequency signal analysis and synthesis, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. His interests also include high-speed and safety-critical FPGA designs. He has an extensive experience in FPGA-based instrumentation for heavy-ion physics, neutron scattering experiments, and fusion energy research. As an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tennessee Knoxville Dr. Bobrek was teaching undergraduate and graduate classes in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Bobrek has over 50 publications, two patents, and is a co-inventor of a licensed technology in the area of X-Ray Microcomputed Tomography.