Michael Borish

Michael C Borish

Research Staff

Dr. Michael Borish is a research staff member at ORNL’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) having joined in 2017. At the MDF, he engages in a wide range of disciplines within Computer Science as they relate to industrial additive manufacturing.  This research encompasses visualization, augmented reality, path planning, and computer vision, to name a few.  He hopes to expand the boundaries of what we define as manufacturing technology. He is also interested in altering established paradigms of operation particularly as it relates to slicing and path planning and has been developing custom slicing software to that end. He has also built an open-source community around slicing software to advance the state of the art in path planning for industrial additive manufacturing.

  • University of Florida
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
    • Master of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Duke University
    • Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    • Minored in Economics
  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)   
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)   
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Organizing committee member of SPIE Thermosense       
  • External member of multiple PhD committees
  • Gibson, B., Richardson, B., Love, L., Mhatre, P., & Borish, M. (2022). Site-Specific Melt Pool Size Control in Additive Manufacturing. US Patent 2022/0105569.
  • Borish, M., Roschli, A., Post, B., Chesser, P., & Kim, P. (2021). Continuous Toolpaths for Additive Manufacturing. US Patent 2021/0055710.
  • Kim, P., Kunc, V., Hassen, A., Lindahl, J., Post, B., Roschli, A., Chesser, P., Borish, M., Dreifus, G., Love, L., Blue, C., & Beard, B. (2020). System and Method for Additive Manufacturing with Toolpath Bridges and Resultant Structure. US Patent 2020/0230888.
January 2024
Book: Motion and Path Planning for Additive Manufacturing (pages: 225 to 239)
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