Melissa K Graves-Brook Scientific Associate of HYSPEC Contact | 865.313.5418 All Publications Pressure control of magnetic order and excitations in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet MgCr2O4 Geometrical frustration versus Kitaev interactions in BaCo2(AsO4)2 Observation of Magnon Polarization... Phase diagram and neutron spin resonance of superconducting NaFe1−xCuxAs... Recent progress on HYSPEC, and its polarization analysis capabilities... A comparison of four direct geometry time-of-flight spectrometers at the Spallation Neutron Source... Spin exchange optical pumping based polarized He-3 filling station for the Hybrid Spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Sour... Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division