Dr. Lucas Lindsay earned a BS degree in physics from the College of Charleston in 2004. He did his PhD work on theoretical thermal transport in carbon nanotubes and graphene at Boston College with Prof. David Broido. He received his PhD in 2010, and taught physics for two years at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA. Following this, he was a National Research Council Fellow at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., collaborating with Dr. Tom Reinecke. He joined the Materials Science and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in June 2014.
Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in Physics, 2021
DOE Early Career Award, 2019
Outstanding Referee for the Physical Review, 2018
NRC/ASEE Postdoctoral Research Publication Award, NRL, 2013 and 2014
NRC Research Associateship Award, NRL, 2011
Trademarks and Patents
US Patent 9,986,663 B2 (2018), “High Thermal Conductivity Materials for Thermal Management Applications,” D. A. Broido, T. L. Reinecke and L. Lindsay.