Lawrence F Allard Jr Distinguished Research Staff Member Contact All Publications The many faces of θ'-Al2Cu precipitates: Energetics of pristine and solute segregated Al/θ' semi-coherent interfaces Low-Temperature Nucleation Behavior of L12 Al3Zr Precipitates in a Dilute Al-Zr-Sn Alloy An additively manufactured near-eutectic Al-Ce-Ni-Mn-Zr alloy with high creep resistance Quantitative gas-phase transmission electron microscopy: Where are we now and what comes next? Effect of Mn on eutectic phase equilibria in Al-rich Al-Ce-Ni alloys... Microstructure and strengthening of Al-6Ce-3Ni-0.7Fe (wt%) alloy manufactured by laser powder-bed fusion... Heterogeneous phase transformation pathways in additively manufactured Al-Ce-Mn alloys Grain boundary widening controls siderite (FeCO3) replacement of limestone (CaCO3) Load shuffling during creep deformation of an additively manufactured AlCuMnZr alloy In Situ Observations of Barium Sulfate Nucleation in Nanopores In-situ formation of Al3Ni nano particles in synthesis of Al 7075 alloy by friction stir processing with Ni powder addition Repurposing the θ (Al2Cu) phase to simultaneously increase the strength and ductility of an additively manufactured Al–Cu alloy Using θ′ interfaces as templates for planar L12 precipitation in AlCuMnZr alloys Dislocation-θ′ (Al2Cu) interactions during creep deformation of an Al-Cu alloy A creep-resistant additively manufactured Al-Ce-Ni-Mn alloy Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanisms in a heat-treated additively manufactured Al–Cu–Mn–Zr alloy Al-Cu-Ce(-Zr) alloys with an exceptional combination of additive processability and mechanical properties Elevated temperature ductility dip in an additively manufactured Al-Cu-Ce alloy Single-step Selective Oxidation of Methane to Methanol in the Aqueous Phase on Iridium-based Catalysts Isolated Metal Sites in Cu–Zn–Y/Beta for Direct and Selective Butene-Rich C3+ Olefin Formation from Ethanol... Atomic structures of interfacial solute gateways to θ′ precipitates in Al-Cu alloys Selective Butene Formation in Direct Ethanol-to-C3+-Olefin Valorization over Zn–Y/Beta and Single-Atom Alloy Composite Catalysts Using In Situ-Generated Hydrogen Long-Term 13 C Uptake by 12 C-Enriched Calcite Crystallographic Orientation-Dependent Strain Hardening in a Precipitation-Strengthened Al-Cu Alloy Aging behavior and strengthening mechanisms of coarsening resistant metastable θ' precipitates in an Al–Cu alloy Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials in Extremes Section Nuclear Energy Materials Microanalysis