Kyle T Schmitt Contact 865.576.9402 | All Publications Passive Gamma-Ray Imaging as a Verification Tool for Nuclear Weapons Treaties Detailed Characterization of CZT Detector Response for Improved Coded-Aperture Imaging Performance 2023 Annual Report: Multimodal Data Fusion with 3D Gamma-Ray Imaging for Safeguards 2023 Mid-Year Report: Multimodal Data Fusion with 3D Gamma-Ray Imaging for Safeguards 3D Source Reconstruction Using Coded Aperture Gamma-Ray Imaging Implementation of a System of Gamma Imagers for Measuring Plutonium Holdup Efficiency Calibration of the H3D H420 Gamma-Ray Imager... First Direct Measurement Constraining the 34Ar(α,p)37K Reaction Cross Section for Mixed Hydrogen and Helium Burning in Accreting Neutron Stars Non-Destructive Assay of Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Gamma-Ray Mirrors as a Narrow Band Pass Filter CERBERUS:A Multi-Purpose Spectrometer and Alignment Station at SNS... Quantitative Compton Imaging in 3D Gamma-Ray Imaging to Monitor Accumulating Holdup Neutron transfer reactions on the ground state and isomeric state of a Sn130 beam Quantitative Holdup Determinations Using Coded-Aperture Gamma-Ray Imaging The <sup>20</sup>Ne(d,p)<sup>21</sup>Ne Transfer Reaction in Relation to the s-Process Abundances... The first science result with the JENSA gas-jet target: Confirmation and study of a strong subthreshold 18F(p, α)15O resonance Direct Reaction Experimental Studies with Beams of Radioactive Tin Ions... RECENT DIRECT REACTION EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES WITH RADIOACTIVE TIN BEAMS Single-neutron levels near the N=82 shell closure Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Physics Division Nuclear Science and Advanced Technology Section Radiation Imaging and Advanced Diagnostics Group