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Kuntal De

2012 Doctoral Undergraduate Opportunity Scholarship Research Grant Award, Miami University

2014 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of the year in Chemistry, Miami University

2017 Research Award (National Award) in National Center for Regenerative Medicine Cancer Stem Cell

1.Methods for Immunoregulation by Modulating Plasminogen-apple-nematode 2021 (PAN) Domain-containing Proteins. ORNL Ref: 4200.2. SSMP Ref: 38529. Commercialization Manager: Jennifer T Caldwell. Oak Ridge National Lab. US Patent 17/012139.


2. A method to modulate protein ubiquitination cellular internalization and proteolysis. The provisional application for ID 5064 was filed on May 25, 2022 and assigned US Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 63/345,591. Invention Disclosure accepted and patent filed.


3. Invention Disclosures: Novel Role of plant Filaggrin in meiotic cell division. Invention Reference: 202004634.