Kevin R Robb
Group Leader, Energy Systems Development Group, Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division
Kevin Robb is the Energy Systems Development Group Leader and an R&D Senior Staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His primary research interests are in thermal-hydraulics and nuclear reactor safety. He is supporting the development of high-temperature molten fluoride and chloride salt technology. End applications include a new generation of molten salt nuclear reactors, concentrating solar power plants, and fusion power breeder blankets. Two large forced convection loops at ORNL highlight these efforts, the fluoride salt LSTL and the chloride salt FASTR. He supported the domestic post-accident analyses of the 2011 accidents at Fukushima Daiichi and is the lead at ORNL for the ongoing data collection and forensics work. He also supported the development of accident tolerant fuel (ATF) concepts to provide enhanced safety performance for existing nuclear reactors. Finally, he has investigated the thermal performance of as-loaded spent nuclear fuel casks. He received his B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.