Keith L Kline
Distinguished Scientist, Environmental Sciences & Climate Change Science Institute
Keith was raised on the family farm in Michigan and earned a BSc from University of Michigan School of Natural Resources in Ann Arbor, and a Masters from Framingham State University, International Education. Keith's current work focuses best practices for clean energy transitions and international standards to support inclusive and sustainable development. Keith's professional career began with USAID, living overseas for 24 years in Latin America and Africa while working on projects that involved renewable energy systems, protected area planning, and community engagement with forest management and biodiversity conservation. Current research interests include: causal analysis to improve understanding of drivers of change in land cover and linkages to ecological services and human welfare; identification of effective mechanisms to promote beneficial “land-use change” (improved management of natural resources and implementation of nature-based solutions); integrated agrosilvopastoral and urban production systems; and practical approaches to support adaptive management and continual improvement. Keith contributes to voluntary international standards initiatives addressing global barriers to green growth: carbon accounting, net zero guidelines, food security, indirect effects, leakage, monitoring and evaluation. Keith was honored to be elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2024. Current research supports Net Zero World just transitions, the Biofuture Clean Energy Ministerial, standards for measuring performance of a Circular Economy (ISO TC323), Food-Energy-Water nexus international research networks, best practices for engaging stakeholder in sustainability assessment; uncertainties and potential bias inherent in choice of a reference or counterfactual scenario; representation of land management and disturbance regimes in modeling; and effective governance approaches to promote more sustainable practices.
Professional Experience
2018-present, Distinguished Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Environmental Science Division. Keith serves as Principal Investigator (PI) for multiple DOE-funded projects related to renewable energy and sustainability.
1990-2018, ORNL research scientist serving as USAID Advisor on intermittent assignments in emerging economy nations of Latin America and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), focusing on forests, biodiversity, water and renewable resource management.
1983-1990: Project Manager, USAID Energy & Environmental Programs, in Lima Peru, the Regional Office for Central American Programs (ROCAP), the Central American Institute for Industrial Technology (ICAITI), and USAID Guatemala.
1980-83: Renewable & Appropriate Technology Advisor for Rural Development with US Peace Corps, USAID, and National Energy Institute of Ecuador.
2024: Elected AAAS Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. See https://www.ornl.gov/news/three-ornl-scientists-elected-aaas-fellows-0 and Seven Faculty Members Elected AAAS Fellows
2023: appointed Adjunct Professor, Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
2021: Received the ORNL Environmental Sciences Division “Science Serving Society Distinguished Achievement Award” and made corresponding invited presentation to laboratory staff, “Research to serve society through more sustainable bioeconomies.”
2003: ORNL Engineering Science and Technology Division “Exceptional Effort Award”
1988: USAID Meritorious Honor Award
1986: USAID Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance
1976-78: Kalamazoo Science Foundation Scholar - grant awardee
B.S., Energy & Environment, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, 1979
M.Ed., International Education Program, Framingham State College, Mass., 2000
Certified Cognizant Technical Officer for Grant and Contract Management, USAID 1992
Native English, fluent Spanish, rusty French and Portuguese
Professional Service
- 2023-present, serve as lead advisor on just transitions for DOE Net Zero World global partnerships
- 2019-23, Science Advisor, NSF-funded UTK International Research Network on “Transdisciplinary Nodes for Food-Energy-Water”
- 2021-present, organize and facilitate global stakeholder outreach and engagement for the Clean Energy Ministerial Biofuture Initiative on sustainability and serve as liaison with other stakeholders and other organizations
- 2012-present, contributor to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International Committee E48 on Bioenergy and Industrial Chemicals from Biomass and Committee E-60 Sustainability
- 2010-present, Expert and technical advisor for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on ISO TC-323 Circular Economy (current). Expert and Lead for International Editing Committee, ISO 13065, Sustainability Criteria for Bioenergy (2010-15)2009-present, US liaison and technical collaborator with the International Energy Agency Technical Collaboration Platform for Bioenergy Inter-task and Sustainable Biomass Supply Task
- 2009-11, served by invitation of California Air Resource Board (CARB) on the Land-Use Change Expert Work Group for the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
- Periodic invitations to serve as Chair for international conferences and sessions including Coordinating Research Council on Life-Cycle Assessment (2021, 2019, 2017); AIChE Institute for Sustainability 2019 Conference; Institute for Food Policy Research on food security and bioenergy (2016)
- Ongoing: Reviewer for IPCC Assessment Report chapters and scientific journals e.g.: Proceedings National Academy of Sciences (US PNAS); Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment; GCB-Bioenergy; Energy; Sustainability and Society; and others.
- Serve on the Organizing and Science Committees for international forum and workshop on biofuels and food security sponsored by International Food Policy Research Institute, US Department of Energy, Inter-American Development Bank, and others (2014-2017).