Katarzyna Borowiec R&D Associate Staff Member – System and Data Analytics Engineer Contact 217.480.5976 | borowieck@ornl.gov All Publications VERTEX Closures: Towards data-driven 3D MHD turbulence models for fusion blanket simulations Integral analysis of the effect of material dimension and composition on tokamak neutronics * 3D high-fidelity automated neutronics guided optimization of fusion blanket designs... Accelerating Scientific Simulations with Bi-Fidelity Weighted Transfer Learning Entropy-driven Optimal Sub-sampling of Fluid Dynamics for Developing Machine-learned Surrogates... Fuel Conversion Efforts at the High Flux Isotope Reactor – a 2023 Status Update Impact of fusion reactor neutronics modeling for transmutation and thermal feedback INTEGRATED PLASMA AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT FOR TOKAMAK REACTOR COMPONENTS... FERMI: FUSION ENERGY REACTOR MODELS INTEGRATOR - Integrated High-fidelity Multiphysics Framework for Fusion Modeling Fully Implicit Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of the ARC-Class Vacuum Vessel Integrated Fusion Neutronics Workflow for MCNP, OpenMC, and Shift Enabling multiphysics simulation of fusion blankets on exascale architecture using OpenFOAM FERMI: Fusion Energy Reactor Models Integrator Multiphysics code coupling for fusion blankets UPDATES FROM THE INVOLUTE WORKING GROUP Comprehensive framework for data-driven model form discovery of the closure laws in thermal-hydraulics codes Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Advanced Reactor Engineering and Development Section Multiphysics CFD Applications Group