Joe A Paddison Neutron Scattering Scientist Contact All Publications Spin Dynamics of the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Material GdRu2Si2 MnRhBi3: A Cleavable Antiferromagnetic Metal Frustrated Ising charge correlations in the kagome metal ScV6Sn6 Discovering Classical Spin Liquids by Topological Search of High Symmetry Nets Anomalous continuum scattering and higher-order van Hove singularity in the strongly anisotropic S = 1/2 triangular latti... Controlling Noncollinear Ferromagnetism in van der Waals Metal–Organic Magnets Cubic double perovskites host noncoplanar spin textures Magnon gap tuning in lithium-doped MnTe Revisiting spin ice physics in the ferromagnetic Ising pyrochlore Pr2Sn2O7 Structure, Spin Correlations, and Magnetism of the S = 1/2 Square-Lattice Antiferromagnet Sr2CuTe1–xWxO6 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)... Spinteract: a program to refine magnetic interactions to diffuse scattering data Multiple incommensurate magnetic states in the kagome antiferromagnet Na2Mn3Cl8... Line-Graph Approach to Spiral Spin Liquids Magnetic Interactions of the Centrosymmetric Skyrmion Material Gd2PdSi3 Gaps in topological magnon spectra: Intrinsic versus extrinsic effects Geometric Frustration on the Trillium Lattice in a Magnetic Metal-Organic Framework Magnetic structure and exchange interactions in the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet Gd2Pt2O7 Suppressed-moment 2-k order in the canonical frustrated antiferromagnet Gd2Ti2O7 Hierarchical excitations from correlated spin tetrahedra on the breathing pyrochlore lattice Dynamical ground state in the XY pyrochlore Yb2GaSbO7... Emergent Magnetic Phases in Pressure-Tuned van der Waals Antiferromagnet FePS3 Sample Dependence of Magnetism in the Next-Generation Cathode Material LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 Scattering Signatures of Bond-Dependent Magnetic Interactions Cluster Frustration in the Breathing Pyrochlore Magnet LiGaCr4S8... Quantum Versus Classical Spin Fragmentation in Dipolar Kagome Ice Ho3Mg2Sb3O14 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Software & Research Google Scholar Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Scattering Division Diffraction Section Powder Diffraction Group Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Sciences and Engineering Program User Facilities High Flux Isotope Reactor Spallation Neutron Source