Jose' D Arregui Mena R&D Staff Contact 865.241.2747 | All Publications Comprehensive characterization of the irradiation effects of glassy carbon ☆ Using porous random fields to predict the elastic modulus of unoxidized and oxidized superfine graphite... Multiscale characterization and comparison of historical and modern nuclear graphite grades Qualitative and quantitative analysis of neutron irradiation effects in SiC/SiC composites using X-ray computed tomography Characterisation of the spatial variability of material properties of Gilsocarbon and NBG-18 using random fields Development of mesopores in superfine grain graphite neutron-irradiated at high fluence A Three-dimensional Nanoscale View of Electrocatalyst Degradation in Hydrogen Fuel Cells Application of Weak-Beam Dark-Field STEM for Dislocation Loop Analysis Understanding Formation of Irradiation-Induced Defects through 4D-STEM, Electron Tomography, and WBDF-STEM Understanding Formation of Irradiation-Induced Defects through 4D-STEM, Electron Tomography, and WBDF-STEM A new perspective on density and strength loss profiles at the surface of thermally oxidized nuclear graphite... Analysis of the ASME Code Rules for Subsection III-5-HHB (Composite Materials) for current HTR Design Requirements... Update on Activities Related to the Library of Graphite Microstructures Reducing Artifacts in BF and HAADF-STEM Images of Pt/C Fuel Cells using MBIR-ARAR Microstructural characterization of the CGB graphite grade from the molten salt reactor experiment Ionomer-free and recyclable porous-transport electrode for high-performing proton-exchange-membrane water electrolysis Microstructural characterization of the oxidation of nuclear graphite under chronic and accident conditions via XCT and synchrotron XCT THE PARADOX OF OXIDATION TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON NUCLEAR GRAPHITE PROPERTIES Report on initial development of a database of nuclear graphite characteristics based on microstructural characterization Microstructural characterization of nuclear graphite: from the microscale to the nanoscale Ultrasonic Assessment of Neutron Irradiated Concrete-Forming Aggregates Investigation of Nanoparticle Degradation in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems through Automated Electron Microscopy SEM and TEM data of nuclear graphite and glassy carbon microstructures... Accelerated radiation tolerance testing of Ti-based MAX phases Effects of Microstructural Composition, Porosity, and Microcracks on the Elastic Moduli of Nuclear Graphites Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials in Extremes Section Nuclear Energy Materials Microanalysis