2001-2002 Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Time-Correlated Signatures for Detection of Nuclear Materials
1995-2001 University of Tennessee: Ph.D./2001 (Radiological/Nuclear Engineering)
1991-1992 University of Wisconsin: M.S./1992 (Experimental Nuclear Physics)
1982-1986 United States Naval Academy: B.S./1986 (Physics)
Program Manager, Mk-18A Am/Cm/Ln Material (2020-Present)
-Provides technical leadership and management for execution of all ORNL activities required to meet technical, schedule, cost, and quality objectives.
Project Controls/Development Manager, Cf-252 (2020-Present)
-Provides management of the resource-loaded schedule and cost plan to reach production plan goals.
Senior Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2018-Present)
-Provides strategic planning support and research and development program management for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Isotope Program and Isotope Enterprise.
Program Manager, Laboratory Directed Research and Development, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2014-2018)
-Provided scientific leadership and management of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s overhead investments in Laboratory Directed Research and Development, Program Development, Named Fellowships, and Strategic Hires.
Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2002-2014)
-Performed research on the synthesis, characterization and design of innovative materials and systems for the detection of nuclear materials.
Medical Physics Consultant, West Physics Consulting (2007-2013)
-Performed radiation shielding survey analyses and nuclear medicine licensing services as a consulting medical physicist.
Post-doctoral Research, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2001-2002)
-Developed new techniques for acquiring and analyzing time-correlated signatures for the detection of nuclear materials.
Facility Services Control Manager, Y-12 National Security Complex (1997-1999)
-Responsible for creation and implementation of Facility Safety Authorization Basis documentation for nuclear and non-nuclear facilities
Shift Technical Assistant, Y-12 National Security Complex (1995-1997)
-Responsible for interpretation and implementation of facility safety program, nuclear criticality safety issues, radiological controls, DOE Orders, Code of Federal Regulations, ANSI/ASME Standards.
Nuclear Physics Department Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1991-1993)
-Developed a precision flow, UHV gas delivery system for use with atomic beam sources and internal gas targets. Constructed and tested a polarimeter based on the D + T reaction for measuring tensor polarization of deuterium in an internal target fed by a laser driven source. Constructed and tested a Balmer polarimeter for measuring deuterium polarization.
Assistant Professor of Naval Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1991-1993)
-Taught undergraduate courses in surface ship operations, navigation, and electronic navigation systems.
Naval Nuclear Engineer, U.S. Navy, (1986-1995)
-Responsible for training of operations personnel on reactor plant theory and operations, engineering watch qualification and watchstanding.
• Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
• American Nuclear Society (ANS)
REVIEWER: Journals
• IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
• Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
• Nuclear Instruments and Methods B
REVIEWER: Conferences
• IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects
• IEEE Aerospace
• International Conference on Environmental Systems
• IEEE 9th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications
REVIEWER: Grant Applications
• Oak Ridge National Laboratory Seed Money Proposal Review Committee (Chair)
• DOE Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Funding Opportunity Reviewer
• Office of Science/Nuclear Physics SBIR/STTR Phase I Reviewer
• HBCU/MEI Summer Faculty Research Program
• ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing Grant Program
• ORNL Technology Innovation Program
• DOE Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) Technical Point of Contact:
One-Dimensional Nanostructures for Neutron Detection
• Guest Lecturer at the University of Tennessee (NE403/550)
• Mentor/Advisor for NRC HBCU Participation Program Faculty (Dr. H. Basher)
• ORNL Day of Science exhibitor
• Session Chair at Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, Ann Arbor, May 23-25, 2006
Patent No: US 7141799 Fiber Optic Thermal/Fast Neutron and Gamma Ray Scintillation Detector. Date of Patent: November 28, 2006
Patent No: US 7288771 Fiber Optic Thermal/Fast Neutron and Gamma Ray Scintillation Detector. Date of Patent: October 30, 2007
Patent No. US 8089047 B2 Metal-Organic Scintillator Crystals for X-Ray, Gamma Ray, and Neutron Detection. Date of Patent: January 3, 2012
Patent No. US 8177998 B2 Lithium Loaded Liquid Scintillators. Date of Patent May 15, 2012