John Holmen is an HPC Engineer in the System Acceptance and User Environment group at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Originally from Elyria, OH, John earned his B.S. in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering from Kettering University, his M.S.E. in Computer Engineering from Kettering University, and his Ph.D. in Computing: Scientific Computing from the University of Utah. He was a DOE/NNSA Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP) II graduate research assistant with Utah's Carbon Capture Multidisciplinary Simulation Center (CCMSC). While there, he was a developer for the Uintah Computational Framework, an asynchronous many-task runtime system. His dissertation research was pursued under the guidance of Dr. Martin Berzins and focused on portable, scalable approaches for preparing large legacy codes and asynchronous many-task runtime systems for forthcoming exascale systems. It made use of systems including the NSF Frontera, DOE Lassen, DOE Summit, NSF Stampede 2, DOE Theta, and DOE Titan.
Prior to joining the University of Utah, he was a Development Engineer at R.W. Beckett Corporation, where he began employment as a Kettering University co-op. While there, his research focused on the design and development of PIC-based embedded systems for UL-certified safety-critical commercial and residential combustion products.