Joanna Tannous R&D Associate Staff Scientist- Fungal Geneticist Contact 865.341.2487 | All Publications The histone demethylase KdmB is part of a trimeric protein complex and mediates virulence and mycotoxin production in Penicil... Complete genome of Pseudomonas putida strain WBB028 isolated from leaf litter A glimpse into the fungal metabolomic abyss: Novel network analysis reveals relationships between exogenous compounds and their outputs Establishment of a genome editing tool using CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes in the non-model plant pathogen Sphaerulina musiva LaeA-Regulated Fungal Traits Mediate Bacterial Community Assembly Identifying Fungal Secondary Metabolites and Their Role in Plant Pathogenesis Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides Induce Specialized Fungal Metabolite Profiles That Modulate Bacterial Growth Reflection on the challenges, accomplishments, and new frontiers of gene drives Lipo-chitooligosaccharides as regulatory signals of fungal growth and development Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCidD Google Scholar ResearchGate SEED SFA