Jason M. Harp Ph.D. is a senior staff scientist and group leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Nuclear Fuel Element Performance Group where he studies irradiation effects on nuclear fuel performance on a variety of different fuel types for different reactors including coated particle fuel, nitride fuels, light water reactor fuel and accident tolerant fuel for light water reactors. Previously he was staff at Idaho National Laboratory where he lead studies of metallic, oxide and nitride fuel for advanced reactors and lead studies of various different enhanced accident tolerant fuels for light water reactors all in the Nuclear Technology Research and Development Advanced Fuels Campaign.
His work includes advanced reactor irradiations focus on improving fuel for fast spectrum reactors by researching high burnup fuel concepts and investigating the impact of incorporating minor actinides into different fuels. His work on accident tolerant fuel irradiations focuses on testing the feasibility of different fuel systems for deployment in commercial light water reactors with improved performance.
He was also involved in the postirradiation examination of the TRISO fuel irradiation tests, specifically working on the distribution of fission products in these experiments. Additionally he was involved with the fabrication of uranium silicide fuel at INL for accident tolerant fuel concepts.
Dr. Harp holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University (2010), a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering (2008) from North Carolina State University and a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University (2005).