Research Interest:
- Materials' defects
- Bulk and surface defects properties.
- Nanostructures heterostructures and interfaces
- Optical and structural properties of nanostructures
- Surface chemistry
- General properties of semiconductor and metallic quantum dots, wires and wells
- Development of the theory of the electronic structure, in particular, in low dimensions
- Quantum Monte Carlo
- Density Functional Theory
- Empirical methods
- Hydrodynamical Models
Experience in:
- Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo methods
- Lead developer of Self-healing diffusion Monte Carlo and Auxiliary Boson diffusion Monte Carlo methods.
- DFT first-principles calculation of nanostructures, defects and surfaces in semiconductors and oxides
- Empirical pseudopotential calculations of nanostructures.
- Configuration interaction calculations.
- k.p calculations of semiconductor nanostructures.
- Development of Density Functional Theory for low dimension electron and hole gases.
- RPA and TDDFT calculations on the optical properties of electron gases.
- Hydrodynamical calculations low-dimensional electron gases.
Theoretical and Numerical tools used:
- Lead developer of Self-healing diffusion Monte Carlo and Auxiliary Boson diffusion Monte Carlo methods.
- I have broad experience with ab-initio DFT codes. My research has also involved both extensive code development parallel Fortran 90 , C and “Mathematica” symbolic programming.
- The research involving DFT DMC and the electron gas has a strong analytical component.
Teaching Experience:
Teaching assistant:
- Department of Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (1991 - 1995) "
- Quantum Mechanics" (1991-1992). (Messiah, Cohen-Tannoudji)
- "Statistical Mechanics" (1993). (Pathria,Goodstein)
- "Solid State Physics I" (1994-1995). (Ashcroft-Mermin, QTS Kittel)
- JTP (Foreman of Practical activities) (1995-7) and (2000-1)
Department of Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo "Statistical Mechanics" (Pathria,Goodstein)- “Introduction to Solid State” (Mermin Kittel)
- "Solid State Physics I" (Ashcroft)
- “Solid State Physics II” magnetism superconductivity (QTS Kittel)
- Teaching assistant in workshops and schools
- "Semiconductors" Escuela IB/CONICET(1992)
- "Superconductivity" Escuela IB/CAB (1994)
Supervisor Experience:
- PostDocs:
- Murilo Tiago
- Michal Bajdich
- Katherina Foyetsova
- Juan Santana- Palacio
- Jaron T. Krogel
- Chandrima Mitra
- Dongwa Lee
- Vinit Sharma
- Kayahan Saritas
- Allyson Dzback
- Tomohiro Ichiba
- Nicole Spanedda
- Students:
- I co-supervised the dissertation work of Santiago Rigamonti.
- I co-supervising the Ph. D. work of Alfredo Correa and Santiago Rigamonti.
- Supervisor summer work of Jack Deslippe
Professional Experience
- R&D Staff Condensed Matter Theory, Materials Sciences and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA (January 2006-present Staff Condensed Matter Physics Division PAT, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore California USA (October 2001-January 2006).
- Staff Solid State Physics Group (researcher from CONICET) Centro Atómico Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina (July 2000 - October 2001).
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow Solid State Theory Group, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado USA (October 1998-June 2000). (Alex Zunger).
- Research Associate in Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee USA (April 1997-September 1998). (Sokrates T. Pantelides).
- Member of the Solid State Physics Group (CONICET fellowship) Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina (1992 -1997). (César R. Proetto).
- Referee Phys. Rev. B. and Phys. Rev. Lett. (January 1997-present).
- Nano Letters (June 2004-Present) Applied Physics Letters and Nature (September 2005-present).
Instituto Balseiro, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (1988-1991);Iniciación, CONICET (1992-1994); Perfeccionamiento, CONICET (1994-1996); Postdoctoral, CONICET (1996-1997).
Instituto Balseiro, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (August 1988 - December 1991). This is the only institution that gives full fellowships for undergraduate studies in Argentina. 25-30 fellowships are given every year after a national examination and interview.
Iniciación, CONICET* (April 1992 - April 1994)
Perfeccionamiento, CONICET* April 1994 - April 1996)
Postdoctoral, CONICET* April 1996 - March 1997)
*CONICET is the main government institution that supports science in Argentina. Approximately a total of 160 fellowships are given every year for graduate studies in all sciences after a national competition which considers a research proposal.
Grants: (only the ones I acted as PI are listed) * Reentry grant Fundacion Antorchas 2000 Argentina
LLNL Lab Wide LDRD “Quantum Monte Carlo Assessment of the Relevance of Electronic Correlation in Defects and EOS in Metals” (2006) grant 166.590 $
BES ERKCS77 (PI for ORNL) “Ab-Initio Design of Nanomaterials with Pressure: The Search for Novel Materials” ~85K year (2006,2007,2008).
BES ERKCS08 PI subtask 2 "Optical and Transport properties of nanostructures: the steps beyond Density Functionals'' ~315K (Merged into theory group FWP). CNMS User proposal PI (2007-2009) “A novel approach for theoretical prediction of structural and optical properties of polymers, cages, and nanotubes: correlated sampling Quantum Monte Carlo” (User proposal for Paul Kent time). LDRD ORNL grant PI (2009-2010) “New Density Functionals for Ab-initio Calculations from Many Body Theory” 726K.
Principal Investigator ERKCS92 DOE, BES, MSED Since 2010 $1635K a year.
- Ph.D. Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Bariloche, Argentina (1995).
- Licenciado, Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Bariloche, Argentina (1991).
Professional Affiliations
- Chair of the Bariloche branch of the Argentinean Physical Society (AFA) (1994-1996)
- Speaker for Bariloche in the national board of the Argentinean Physical Society (AFA) (1996-1997)
- Member of the American Chemical Society (2003)
- Member of the Material Research society (November 2002)
- Member of the American Physical Society (March 1998)
- Referee of the APS (since 1997) More than 10 papers a year
- Member of the Argentinean Physical Society (AFA) (1991)
Trademarks and Patents
Andrew J. Williamson and Fernando A. Reboredo, “Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen Storage.” United States Provisional Patent Application No. 60/554,034, filed March 16, 2004.