Erik G Herbert
Group Leader, Mechanical Properties and Mechanics
Erik is an experimentalist with extensive experience in the mechanical behavior of materials. His area of expertise is the development of structure-property-processing relationships informed by nano and micromechanical testing. Using state-of-the-art ambient, non-ambient, in-operando and in-situ mechanical testing platforms, his goal is to elucidate the complex coupling between the microstructure, its defects, and the mechanisms of action that control the mechanical behavior of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and structured devices. Methodical, repeatable, verifiable, and hypothesis driven experiments are performed to fill critical knowledge gaps and identify key cause and effect relationships. The targeted outcomes are improved constitutive models that more accurately capture the dominant material physics and improved estimates of the inputs for modeling and design work. For Erik’s industrial partners, this translates directly into a competitive advantage in the marketplace by enabling more accurate simulations and minimizing the time required to develop successful products.
University of TN, Knoxville Political Science and Business Admin. B.A., 1992
University of TN, Knoxville Materials Science and Engineering M.S., 2006
University of TN, Knoxville Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D., 2008
University of TN, Knoxville Materials Science and Engineering Postdoctoral 2009-10
Trinity College Dublin Physics (nanoimprint lithography) Visiting scientist 2009
Professional Experience
2023-current Group Leader, Mechanical Properties & Mechanics, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Materials Science and Technology Division
2021-2022 Associate Professor, Michigan Technological University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Houghton, MI
2015-2021 Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Houghton, MI
2010-2014 Assistant Research Professor, University of Tennessee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Knoxville, TN
2009-2010 Post-doctoral research associate, University of Tennessee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Knoxville, TN
2009 Visiting Scientist, Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
2008-2009 Staff Scientist, Research and Development, Agilent Technologies, Oak Ridge, TN
2007-2008 Staff Scientist, Research and Development, MTS Systems Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN
2003-2006 Manager, Analytical Services Laboratory, MTS Systems Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN
1998-2002 Applications Engineer, MTS Systems Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN
1997-1998 Laboratory Technician, Nano Instruments, Oak Ridge, TN