After graduating with a Bachelors in Material Science from NC State University in 2015 Eric joined the Material Science department at the University of Virginia (UVA) where he earned his Masters and PhD. During his doctoral degree he focused on investigating interfaces and phase transformation using the high-spatial resolution of a transmission electron microscope (TEM). This included a variety of techniques ranging from in-situ heating and cryogenics, imaging, diffraction, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in materials ranging from metals to functional semiconductors and ceramics. He then took a postdoctoral appointment working jointly with the Mechanical Engineering and Material science department at UVA where he learned time-domain optical spectroscopies like Brillouin zone scattering and time-domain thermal reflectance, which provide information about phonon propagation in materials. He continued with his material characterization using TEM to understand what was impacting the measured phonon properties, which included trips to ORNL for vibrational EELS measurements. After his two years of post-doctoral research at UVA Eric joined as a post-doctoral researcher at ORNL where he continued with vibrational EELS and advanced 4D-STEM techniques to understand the complex interplay between atomic arrangements, bonding and phonons at heterogeneities in quantum materials.
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher, Oakridge National Laboratory (2023-Present)
Postdoctoral Researcher Associate, University of Virginia (2020-2023)
Graduate Researcher Assistant University of Virginia (2015-2020)
2023 M&M Postdoctoral Scholar Award 2023
Fred D. Rosi Outstanding Citizen Award 2020
Graduate Teaching Fellowship 2019
ASU HREM Winter School Scholarship 2019
2018 M&M Student Scholar Award 2015
Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering 12/18/2020
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering 12/21/2017
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering 05/09/2015
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Professional Service
Microscopy Today
2023-Present - Microscopy Image Competition Committee
Microscopy Society of America Student Council
2023-Present - Postdoctoral Committee
2020-2021 - Educational Outreach Committee
2019-2020 - PMCx60 Chair
2018-2019 - PMCx60 Physical Sciences Co-Chair
University of Virginia MSE Graduate Body
2019-2020 - Liaison to the Department Chair
2016-2018 - Qualifying Exam Chair
Professional Affiliations
Microscopy Society of America
Microanalysis Society
Materials Research Society
Specialized Equipment
Aberration corrected imaging, diffraction, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a (scanning) transmission electron microscope
Other Publications
15. “Emergent interface vibrational structure of oxide superlattices” Eric R. Hoglund, De-Liang Bao, Andrew O’Hara, Sara Makarem, Zachary T. Piontkowski, Joseph R. Matson, Ajay K. Yadav, et al.,Nature, 601, no. 7894 (2022)
14. “Non-equivalent Atomic Vibrations at Interfaces in a Piezoelectric Superlattice” Eric R. Hoglund, Harrison Walker, Kamal Hussain, De-Liang Bao, Haoyang Ni, Jeffery Baxter, Asif Khan, Sokrates T. Pantelides, Patrick E. Hopkins, and Jordan A. Hachtel, Adv. Mat., (in review)
13. “Interlayer coupling controlled phases in polar vortex superlattices” Peter Meisenheimer, Arundhati Ghosal, Eric Hoglund, Zhiyang Wang, Piush Behera, Fernando Gómez-Ortiz, Pravin Kavle, Evgenia Karapetrova, Pablo García-Fernández, Lane W. Martin, Archana Raja, Long-Qing Chen, Patrick Hopkins, Javier Junquera, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Nano Letters., (accepted)
12. “Revisited precipitation process in dilute Mg-Ca-Zn alloys” Zehao Li, Du Cheng, Kang Wang, Eric R Hoglund, James M Howe, Bi-Cheng Zhou, Tadakatsu Ohkubo, and Kazuhiro Hono, Acta. Mat. 257 (2023)
11. “Atomic Structures of Ordered Monolayer GP Zones in Mg-Zn-X (X= Ca, Nd) Systems.” Cheng, Du, Eric R. Hoglund, Kang Wang, James M. Howe, Sean R. Agnew, and Bi-Cheng Zhou., Scripta Mat., 216, 114744 (July 2022)
10. “Impact of Oxygen Content on Crystallization and Ferroelectric Behavior of Hafnium Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering” Samantha T. Jaszewski, Eric R. Hoglund, Anna Costine, Marc Weber, Shelby S. Fields, Maria G. Sales, Jaykumar Vaidya, Leah Bellcase, Katie Loughlin, Alejandro Salanova, Diane Dickie, Steven L. Wolfley, M. David Henry, Jon-Paul Maria, Jacob L. Jones, Nikhil Shukla, Stephen J. McDonnell, Petra Reinke, James M. Howe , and Jon F. Ihlefeld, Acta Mater., 239 (2022)
9. “Tailoring Thermal and Chemical Properties of a Multi-component Environmental Barrier Coating Candidate (Sc,Nd,Er,Yb,Lu)2Si2O7” Mackenzie J. Ridley, Kathleen Q. Tomko, John A. Tomko, Eric R. Hoglund, James M. Howe, Patrick E. Hopkins, Elizabeth J. Opila, Materialia, 26 (2022)
8. “Observation of solid-state bidirectional thermal conductivity switching in antiferroelectric lead zirconate (PbZrO3)” Kiumars Aryana, John A. Tomko, Ran Gao, Eric R. Hoglund, Takanori Mimura, Sara Makarem, Alejandro Salanova, Md Shafkat Bin Hoque, Thomas W. Pfeifer, David H. Olson, Jeffery L. Braun, Joyeeta Nag, John C. Read, James M. Howe, Elizabeth J. Opila, Lane W. Martin, Jon F. Ihlefeld, and Patrick E. Hopkins, Nature Comm., 13, no. 1, 1573 (December 2022)
7. “Observation of Grain Boundary Plasmon and Associated Deconvolution Techniques for Low-Loss Electron Energy-Loss (EEL) Spectra Acquired from Grain Boundaries” Proloy Nandi, Eric R. Hoglund, and James M. Howe, Ultramicroscopy, 234, 113478 (2022)
6. “Suppressed electronic contribution in thermal conductivity of Ge2Sb2Se4Te” Kiumars Aryana, Yifei Zhang, John Tomko, Md Shafkat Bin Hoque, Eric Hoglund, David Olson, Joyeeta Nag, John Read, Carlos Ríos, Juejun Hu, and Patrick Hopkins, Nature Comm. 12, no. 7187, 1-9 (2021)
5. “Interface Controlled Thermal Properties of Ultra-thin Chalcogenide-Based Phase Change Memory Devices” Kiumars Aryana, John T Gaskins, Joyeeta Nag, Derek A Stewart, Zhaoqiang Bai, Saikat Mukhopadhyay, John C Read, David H Olson, Eric R Hoglund, James M Howe, Ashutosh Giri, Michael K Grobis, and Patrick E Hopkins, Nature Comm. 12, no. 774, 1-11 (2021)
4. “Towards Synthetic L10-FeNi: Detecting the Absence of Cubic Symmetry in Laser-Ablated Fe-Ni Nanoparticles” Qiyuan Lin, Ruksan Nadarajah, Eric Hoglund, Anna Semisalova, James M. Howe, Bilal Gökce, and Giovanni Zangari, Appl. Surf. Sci. 567, 150664-10 (2021)
3. “Interfacial Reactions between B2O3 and Spark Plasma Sintered Yb2Si2O7” Guarriello, Rachel, Eric Hoglund, Helge Heinrich, and Elizabeth Opila. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 104, no. 10, 5392-5400 (2021)
2. “Hydrogen Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Delocalized Vibrational Modes in Amorphous Silicon Nitride (a-SiNx:H)”, Jeffrey L. Braun, Sean W. King, Eric R. Hoglund, Mehrdad Abbasi Gharacheh, Ethan A. Scott, Ashutosh Giri, John A. Tomko, John T. Gaskins, Ahmad Al-kukhun, Gyanendra Bhattarai, Michelle M. Paquette, Georges Chollon, Benjamin Willey, G. Andrew Antonelli, David W. Gidley, Jinwoo Hwang, James M. Howe, and Patrick E. Hopkins, et al., Phys. Rev. Mat. 5, no. 3, 035604-22 (2020)
1. “Nanoscale Mapping of the Electron Density at Al Grain Boundaries and Correlation with Grain-Boundary Energy”, Proloy Nandi, Xiahan Sang, Eric R. Hoglund, Raymond R. Unocic, Dmitri A. Molodov, and James M. Howe, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, no. 5, 053805-7 (2019)