Daniel R Dunlap
Analytical Chemist - Technical Associate Staff Member
Daniel R Dunlap earned his PhD in Geological Sciences from the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University in 2019 where his research focused on Cosmochemistry. He was awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship to investigate the timing of igneous meteorites in the early Solar System. Following his PhD, Daniel worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science division at the NASA Johnson Space Flight Center. Daniel's prior research employed high precision mass spectrometry tools to investigate the isotopic composition of planetary objects. Daniel will be working with a variety of isotope systems in the state of the art facilities in the Chemical and Isotopic Mass Spectrometry group at ORNL.
NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship 2017-2019
Dwornik Award for Graduate Presentation 2019
Wiley Outstanding Presentation Award 2017